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Engaging & Creative

Creative Art

Children will become familiar with the basic elements of art, color, texture and forms. They will not only learn these basics, but at Islands of Fun we will go a step further and explore creative art. Activities that engage children’s imagination through music, visual arts, movement and dance, drama and storytelling.

Gross & Fine Motor Skills

Children develop two types of motor or movement skills, gross motor skills and fine motor skills. By using scissors, holding a pencil, puzzles, and using small blocks to build your child will develop fine motor skills . Riding a bike, running, jumping , throwing and catching a ball will allow your child to develop their gross motor skills.

Cognitive Learning

Your child will learn cognitive skills such as decision making, language abilities, attention and memory. They will develop these skills through play and cognitive activities. Through play they will use their imagination and test their limits, explore challenges and improve decision making. Through interacting with peers, parents and others they will develop language skills.

Social & Emotional Learning

Social skills that your child will learn at this age help them to understand friendship and develop routines. They will learn how to form positive friendships with peers and others. They will learn to control problematic behaviors and demonstrate empathy for friends, parents, and others.

Preschool Mathematics

Children begin their experience with numbers through counting, written numerals and number names. Your child will learn to count objects, understand a one to one correspondence and compare different sets. They will explore patterns and use appropriate language.

Outside Play

It is essential for children of all ages  to have outside play. Being able to explore nature, jump and run, helps children to grow physically and mentally. It also helps with communication skills and social skills. Islands of Fun allows your child to experience outdoor play on a daily basis.

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